Cisco Systems Dial NMS Network Router User Manual

Task 4Using Syslog, NTP, and Modem Call Records to Isolate and Troubleshoot Faults
About Syslog
Basic Dial NMS Implementation Guide
By using the
logging ?
command, you can see the log settings for distinct destinations:
travis-nas-01(config)#logging ?
Hostname or A.B.C.D IP address of the logging host
buffered Set buffered logging parameters
console Set console logging level
facility Facility parameter for syslog messages
history Configure syslog history table
monitor Set terminal line (monitor) logging level
on Enable logging to all supported destinations
rate-limit Set messages per second limit
source-interface Specify interface for source address in logging
trap Set syslog server logging level
There are eight levels of syslog information in the Cisco IOS software. Monitor and manage logs
according to the severity level of the syslog message. By using the
logging trap ?
command, you can
see the logging severity levels:
travis-nas-01(config)#logging trap ?
<0-7> Logging severity level
alerts Immediate action needed (severity=1)
critical Critical conditions (severity=2)
debugging Debugging messages (severity=7)
emergencies System is unusable (severity=0)
errors Error conditions (severity=3)
informational Informational messages (severity=6)
notifications Normal but significant conditions (severity=5)
warnings Warning conditions (severity=4)
In this case study, syslog is enabled on all Cisco access servers and backbone routers. Each device sends
syslog messages to the same log file on the same syslog server.
The terminology in the syslog messages can vary between different versions of Cisco IOS software.
To effectively manage syslog messages, ensure that wherever possible, the same version of Cisco IOS
software is running on all routers.
For background information on syslog, go to
Table 18 Logging Trap Severity Definitions
Message Type Description Syslog Message Severity Level
emergencies System unusable LOG_EMERG 0
alerts Immediate action needed LOG_ALERT 1
critical Critical conditions LOG_CRIT 2
errors Error conditions LOG_ERR 3
warnings Warning conditions LOG_WARNING 4
notifications Normal but significant condition LOG_NOTICE 5
informational Informational messages only LOG_INFO 6
debugging Debugging messages LOG_DEBUG 7