70 4025083 Rev A
Monitor Gateway Status
Select the DOCSIS WAN tab to open the Status DOCSIS WAN page.
DOCSIS WAN Page Description
Use the descriptions in the following table to review the status of your DOCSIS
WAN network.
Field Description
Displays the name of the residential gateway.
Displays the manufacturer of the residential gateway.
Hardware Revision
Displays the revision of the circuit board design.
Serial Number
Displays the unique serial number of the residential gateway.
MAC Address (CM MAC Address)
Displays the CM MAC Address. The CM MAC Address is a unique
alphanumeric address for the cable modem coaxial interface, which is
used to connect to the CMTS at the headend. A MAC address is a
hardware address that uniquely identifies each node of a network.
Bootloader Revision
Displays the boot revision code version.