Citizen CLP-9301 Label Maker User Manual

Chapter 9 Specifications
DTR protocol
DTR signal “Ready (High)” level requirements:
The following must be satisfied:
Printer is on line.
Receive buffer has more than 1K bytes available.
Note: When receive buffer has less than 128 bytes available, DTR signal becomes “Busy
(Low)” level and this “Busy (Low) level is kept until receive buffer has at least 1K bytes
DTR signal “Busy (Low)” level requirements:
The following must be satisfied:
Printer is in error.
Receive buffer has less than 128 bytes available.
Pin assignment
Pin No. Signal Input/Output Description
1 FG Output Frame ground
7 SGND Output Signal ground
2 TXD Output Signal to transmit data
3 RXD Input Signal to receive data
4 RTS Output
Transmission request signal. Pull up to +12V with
6 DSR Input
Signal active when host computer ready to interface with
20 DTR Output
Signal active when printer ready to interface with host
25 VCC Output (Factory use)