Serial Interface
7 Specifications
No. Name I/O Pin explanation
1 CTS IN XON/OFF: not used
DTR/DSR: not used
2 RTS OUT Pull up to + 10V through 3.3 kΩ
3 RXD IN Data beam from the host to the printer
4 SGND – GND of the signal line
5 TXD OUT XON/OFF : Data beam from printer to host
Transmits XON/XOFF
DTR/DSR : Not used
6 DTR OUT XON/OFF : Always High
DTR/DSR : High when the printer can receive
Low when it cannot receive
7 IFSEL Cable judgement when the optional RS232C cable is connected to
the printer
8 DSR IN XON/OFF : Not used
DTR/DSR : High when the host can receive
Low when it cannot receive
7 Pin layout
* IN: signal from host to printer, OUT: signal from the printer to host
Transmission method Two way serial communication
Signal level RS-232C
Baud rate 600/1,200/2,400/4,800/9,600/
19,200/38,400/57,600/11,500 bps
Data length 7 or 8 bit
Start bit 1 bit
Stop bit 1 bit, 2 bits
Parity Even, odd, none
Connector MD-S8100-10 (JST)