CBM-230/231 User’s Manual
(25) Transmitting the status of the peripheral device (ESC u n)
Code : [1B]h + [75]h + n
Transmits the current status of connector pin No.3.
• "n" has the following meanings.
n (Hex) Type
0 Drawer kick connector No. 3
• The transmitted status is of 1 byte and its contents are shown in the table below.
• When nothing is connected to the connector, The bit 0 of "n" is always "1".
• In case of DTR/DSR control, only one byte is transmitted after confirming that the host is ready to
receive (DSR signal is in Space mode). In case of XON/ XOFF control, only one byte is transmitted
without confirming the state of the DSR signal.
• In case of DTR/DSR control, if the host is not ready to receive (DSR signal is in the Mark mode), it
waits to get ready to receive.
Va lu e
Bit Function
0 No. 3 pin's level “L” “H”
1 Undefined
2 Undefined
3 Undefined
4 Unused Fixedto0 –
5 Undefined
6 Undefined
7 Undefined
[Caution] Serial interface only