Citrix Systems 6.2.0 Server User Manual

7. Select Ok to perform a clean installation.
If this is an upgrade, see the XenServer Installation Guide for details.
8. If you have multiple hard disks, choose a Primary Disk for the installation. Select Ok.
Choose which disk(s) you would like to use for virtual machine storage. Choose Ok.
9. Select Local media as your installation source.
For information on using HTTP, FTP, or NFS as your installation source, see the XenServer
Installation Guide.
10. When prompted about if you would like to install any supplemental packs, choose No to continue.
11. Select Skip Verification, and then choose Ok.
If you encounter problems during installation, it is recommended that you verify the
installation source.
12. Set and confirm a root password, which the XenCenter application will use to connect to the XenServer host.
13. Set up the management interface that will be used to connect to XenCenter.
If your computer has multiple network interface cards (NICs), select the NIC which you want to use for
management traffic (typically the first NIC). A network port that is not tagged as a VLAN is required for the
management interface.
14. Configure the Management NIC IP address with a static IP address or to use DHCP.
15. Specify the hostname and the DNS configuration, manually or automatically via DHCP.
If manually configuring the DNS, enter the IP addresses of your primary (required), secondary (optional),
and tertiary (optional) DNS servers in the fields provided.
16. Select your time zone — the geographical area and then city.
17. Specify how you would like the server to determine local time: using NTP or manual time entry. Choose Ok.
If using NTP, you can then specify if the DHCP sets the time server, or enter at least one NTP server name
or IP address in the fields below.
18. Select Install XenServer.
19. If you elected to set the date and time manually, you are prompted to do so.
20. From the Installation Complete screen, eject the installation CD from the drive, and then select Ok to reboot
the server.
After the server reboots, XenServer displays xsconsole, a system configuration console.
Make note of the IP address displayed. You will use this when you connect XenCenter to the