January 2002 A-9
Table A-22: Standard display mode and
function keys for MTEK6000 EPTR
Label I.D. Description Address
F3 1 PR PRessure PSG 030302
2 PS Press Scale PSG 020402
3 HI High press In al 140405
4 HO High press Out al 140406
5 LI Low press In al 140505
6 LO Low press Out al 140506
F4 7 FT Flow Temp F 020304
8 HI High temp In al 140605
9 HO High temp Out al 140606
10 LI Low temp In al 140705
11 LO Low temp Out al 140706
F5 12 SV Supply Volts DC 020309
13 CT Case Temp F 020302
F6 14 AO Analog Output #1 220302
15 AO AOut Hi Scale #1 220402
16 AO AOut Lo Scale #1 220403
F7 17 AO Analog Output #2 230302
18 AO AOut Hi Scale #2 230402
19 AO AOut Lo Scale #2 230403
20 OD Open Door status 120302
21 S1 Status input #1 120401
22 S2 Status input #2 120402
Table A-23: Standard alarms for
Alarms Alarm Code
First Time Power 130401
Low Supply Volts 130501
High Pressure 130601
Low Pressure 130701
High Temperature 140401
Low Temperature 140501
Lost Pressure 140601
Lost Temperature 140701
LowVolt Shutdown 150401
Open Door 150501
Software Error 150601
Table A-24: Standard history data
stored in the MTEK6000 EPTR
40 days of daily average pressure
40 days of daily maximum pressure
40 days of daily minimum pressure
40 days of daily average temperature
40 days of daily maximum temperature
40 days of daily minimum temperature
40 days of hourly average pressure
40 days of hourly average temperature
40 days of hourly instantaneous supply
voltage (snapshots).
40 days of hourly case temperature
15 days of 10-minute pressure (snapshots)