when a fixed reading distance different from the Gryphon™ D432/D432E focus
distance is used. The Gryphon™ focus distance is 115 mm for Gryphon™ D432,
and 65 mm for Gryphon™ D432E.
Refer to the VisualSetup software program for performing the aiming system
The string of a decoded code to be sent to the host may be formatted as follows:
• defining simple data formatting (see page 40);
• defin
ing ad
vanced data formatting giving complete flexibility in changing the
format of data (see par. 5.3).
both simple and advanced data formatting are selected the info is processed in
the following order:
1. the string of the decoded code is processed according to the advanced
formatting rules;
2. the resulting string is processed according to the selection type rules of the
simple data formatting;
3. character substitution is performed on the resulting string;
4. character deletion is performed on the resulting string;
5. code concatenation is performed;
6. code ID is attached to the resulting string;
7. global headers and terminators are attached to the resulting string;
The codes to be sent to the host may also be selected or ordered depending on the
following two conditions:
• one code per scan: Gryphon™ D432/D432E sends the code being closest to
the image center. If the "Central Code Transmission" command is enabled, only
the code containing the image center will be transmitted (see page 69);
• all co
es per scan: the codes to be sent to the host may be ordered either by
length or by symbology starting from the code being closest to the image center
(see page 69). When enabling both these criteria, codes belonging to the same
mbology are sent to the host depending on their length.