28 Using Your RAID Enclosure
All virtual disks in a disk group support the same RAID level. The RAID
enclosure supports up to 256 virtual disks (minimum size of 10 MB each) that
can be assigned to host servers. Each virtual disk is assigned a Logical Unit
Number (LUN) that is recognized by the host operating system.
Physical Disks
Only Dell-supported 3.0-Gbps SAS physical disks are supported in the storage
array. If the RAID controller module detects unsupported physical disks, it
marks the disk as unsupported and the physical disk becomes unavailable for
all operations.
NOTE: The MD3000i enclosure must contain at least two physical disks for proper
operation. This is necessary because the physical disks are used to store
configuration information.
Physical Disk States
The RAID controller module recognizes the physical disk states (mode and
status reported in MD Storage Manager) described in Table 2-1.
Table 2-1. RAID Controller Physical Disk States
Status Mode Description Physical Disk
Status LED
Optimal Unassigned The physical disk in the indicated
slot is unused and available to be
Steady Green
Optimal Assigned The physical disk in the indicated
slot is configured as part of a disk
Steady Green
Optimal Hot Spare Standby The physical disk in the indicated
slot is configured as a hot spare.
Steady Green
Optimal Hot Spare In Use The physical disk in the indicated
slot is in use as a hot spare within
a disk group.
Steady Green