Dell E600I Server User Manual

System Boot | 57
4 show bootvar This command displays the current operating system boot configuration parameters.
5 boot change {primary |
secondary | default}
If your configuration displays no pre-configured operating system boot parameters,
use the boot change command to edit appropriate fields.
The primary operating system boot parameters are used in the first attempt to boot
the system.
The secondary operating system boot parameters are used if the primary
operating system boot selection is not available.
The default operating system boot parameters are used if the secondary operating
system boot parameter selection is not available. The default parameters always
reside on the internal flash device (flash:).
NOTE: These parameters, as well as other boot parameters, can be modified
in the CLI mode.
When you enter the boot change command, you are prompted for a response.
Enter a new parameter or press the ENTER key (carriage return) to accept the
default parameter.
Enter . (period) to clear a field.
Enter - (dash) to edit a field above the current cursor position.
NOTE: When you enter a new parameter that extends beyond 80 characters,
you cannot use the BACKSPACE key to correct any mistakes. If you make a mistake,
you must re-enter the parameter.
BOOT_USER # show bootvar
boot device : flash
file name : /E600i-x.bin
BOOT_USER # boot change primary
'.' = clear field; '-' = go to previous field
boot device : flash
file name : /E600i-6.x.bin
BOOT_USER # boot change default
'.' = clear field; '-' = go to previous field
boot device : flash
file name : /E600i-6.x.bin