144 Configuring System Information
Domain Name Server (DNS)
The Domain Name System converts user-defined domain names into IP addresses. Each time a domain
name is assigned, this service translates the name into a numeric IP address. Domain Name System
servers maintain domain name databases and their corresponding IP addresses.
Use the Domain Name Server (DNS) page to enable and activate specific DNS servers.
To display the Domain Name Server page, click System
IP Addressing
Domain Name Server in the
tree view.
Figure 6-22. Domain Name Server
The Domain Name Server (DNS) page contains the following fields:
DNS Status —
Enables or disables translating DNS names into IP addresses.
DNS Server —
Contains a list of DNS servers. DNS servers are added in the
Add DNS Server
Remove —
When selected, removes the selected DNS server.
Adding a DNS Server
Open the
Domain Name Server (DNS)
Add DNS Server
page displays: