D-Link DVC-1100 Network Router User Manual

Disabled: No WEP encryption (Default)
Key ID
Press the down arrow on the remote to select the Key ID
You can enter up to four encryption keys that is used to encrypt data passed
wirelessly over the network. Only one of the keys are used for encryption.
You can enter a key for use, enter up to three other keys for later use and
easily change from one key to another by changing the Key ID that controls
which key is in use.
Enter encryption keys in the four boxes by using the remote control number pad
or the on-screen keyboard. To connect to an encrypted wireless device, the key
you enter in the DVC-1100 must match the key of the wireless device. These
keys are entered in hexadecimal format, meaning you can use the numbers 0
through 9 and the letters A through F. The key must be entered as a specific
number of characters to be accepted as detailed below:
A 64-bit encryption key must be exactly 10 characters in length. (Example:
12345678FA is a valid string of 10 characters for 64-bit encryption.)
A 128-bit encryption key must be exactly 16 characters in length. (Example:
456FBCDF12340012 is a valid string of 16 characters for 128-bit encryption.)
WEP Type
Press the down arrow on the remote to select the WEP Type. Select one of the
WEP Types by pressing Enter. The WEP Type must match the type used by
the wireless network if encryption is enabled.
Wireless Settings Screen (continued)
Using the Setup Wizard (continued)