D-Link DVC-1100 Network Router User Manual

Main Screen > Settings > Network > PING
Using the Configuration Menu (continued)
PING is a network or Internet utility, used to test a network or Internet connec-
tion. If you are having problems establishing a connection to another
VideoPhone after the setup of the DVC-1100, you can use the PING function to
test if your Internet connection is working correctly.
To use the PING function, from the remote control enter a known IP Address on
your network or on the Internet into the Input Host Address box. Press the
PING button. If the IP address is valid, and the connection is made
successfully, a “Pass. Host is Reachable” message is received. If you enter a
valid IP Address and the PING utility fails to reach the host, you will receive a
Fail. Host is not Reachable.” message. This indicates that a possible problem
with your Internet connection exists.
Press OK after you are done to return to the Network Settings screen.