95D-Link ShareCenter Shadow DNS-325 User Manual
Section 4 - Configuration
Web File Server
Whenever you cannot mount the network shares of your NAS, use the Web File Server to access the files using a browser over the internet. If the network, that your
ShareCenter is connected to, is using NAT, you will need to forward HTTP port 80 across your router for access over the internet.
Left click the Up button to go up (or back) one directory in
the folder structure of the network share selected.
Select a destination folder in a network share by navigating
in the folder view on the left. Then left click the Upload
button to open a dialogue window where you can browse to
select a file on your computer for uploading to the selected
destination folder.
Select a file for download to your computer by navigating
in the folder view on the left. When you have found the file
left click on it in the folder and file list in the center of the
browser so that it is highlighted in red. Then click on the
Download button and save or open the file as needed.
Left click the Refresh button to update the folder and file view
of the Web File Server.
Downloads the selected file to your computer.
Clicking the copy selection copies the file to the clipboard
and opens a wizard to allow you to select the folder to paste
the copy of the file to. Once you have chosen the folder
clicking OK will paste the file in that folder.
Moves the file to a new folder on disk.
Removes the selected file from disk.
Allows you to configure a new file name for the selected file.
Displays the file properties such as ownership, access rights
and modify time..