Emerson AXP1600 Power Supply User Manual

AXP1406/AXP1600 Subsystem IPMI Programmer’s Reference (6806800B66C)
About this Manual
This document uses the following terms and abbreviations:
The following table describes the conventions used throughout this manual.
Term Definition
FRU Field Replaceable Unit. A module or component which will typically be replaced in its
entirety as part of a field service repair operation.
FTM Fan Tray Module. An FRU that provides cooling to the shelf.
IPMB Intelligent Platform Management Bus. Name for the architecture, protocol, and
implementation of a special bus that interconnects the baseboard and chassis
electronics and provides a communications media for system platform management
information. The bus is built on I
C and provides a communications path between
“management controllers” such as the BMC, FPC, and HSC.
LPMI Local Peripheral Manager Interface.
LUN Logical Unit Number. In the context of the Intelligent Platform Management Bus
protocol, this is a subaddress that allows messages to be routed to different ‘logical
units’ that reside behind the same I
C slave address.
PEM Power Entry Module. An FRU that introduces power to the shelf.
SAM Shelf Manager. An FRU that provides system management functions for shelf
SDR Sensor Data Record. A data record that provides platform management sensor type,
locations, event generation, and access information.
SEL System Event Log. A non-volatile storage area and associated interfaces for storing
system platform event information for later retrieval.
Notation Description
0x00000000 Typical notation for hexadecimal numbers (digits
are 0 through F), for example used for addresses
and offsets
0b0000 Same for binary numbers (digits are 0 and 1)
bold Used to emphasize a word
Screen Used for on-screen output and code related
elements or commands in body text
Courier + Bold Used to characterize user input and to separate it
from system output
Reference Used for references and for table and figure
File > Exit Notation for selecting a submenu
<text> Notation for variables and keys
[text] Notation for software buttons to click on the screen
and parameter description