AXP1406/AXP1600 Subsystem IPMI Programmer’s Reference (6806800B66C)
FRU Information and Sensor Data Records E-Keying
2.3.2 E-Keying
The physical SAMs (IPMB 0xfc and 0xfe) each contain the following Point-to-Point
Connectivity Record:
PICMG Board Point-to-Point Connectivity Record (ID=0x14)
Version = 0
OEM GUID Count = 0
Link Descriptor:
Link Grouping ID = 0x00
Link Type = 0x01 PICMG®3.0 Base 10/100/1000 Base-T
Link Type Extension = 0x0 10/100/1000BASE-T Link (four-pair)
Link Designator = 0x101 Channel1/BaseInterface/Ports0
Link Descriptor:
Link Grouping ID = 0x00
Link Type = 0x01 PICMG®3.0 Base 10/100/1000 Base-T
Link Type Extension = 0x0 10/100/1000BASE-T Link (four-pair)
Link Designator = 0x102 Channel2/BaseInterface/Ports0
2.3.3 Power Configuration
The following table describes the power configuration for the Physical SAM.
Table 2-2 SAM Physical Power Configuration
Item Value Meaning
Dynamic power reconfiguration
No Possibility to change FRU power consumption without
switching it off, according to ATCA
Dynamic power configuration No Are the Power Draw levels fixed or these may vary if
additional components are hot inserted or onboard
components power consumption is changing
Number of Power Draw Levels 1 The amount of possible power levels, normally 1
Early Power Draw Levels, Watt 20 Complete early power consumption including IPMC
Steady state Power Draw Levels,
20 Complete steady power consumption including IPMC
Transition from Early to Steady
levels, sec
0 How long does board consumes early power. Early
power is normally bigger than steady