Emerson AXP1600 Power Supply User Manual

AXP1406/AXP1600 Subsystem IPMI Programmer’s Reference (6806800B66C)
FRU Information and Sensor Data Records FRU Information
Active Shelf Manager FRU Data, AXP1600
There are an additional nine managed FRUs (FRUs 1 to 9) that correspond to each of the nine
fan trays that cool the chassis. The Active SAM FRU information is addressed as FRU 254
which is cached information from data stored as a FRU 1 in each of the PEMs (IPMB addresses
0x66 and 0x68).
The following tables show an example of the output obtained when retrieving FRU information
using the CLIA tool of the Active SAM. Active Shelf Manager FRU Data, AXP1406
# clia fruinfo 20 254
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
66: FRU # 1, FRU Info
Common Header: Format Version = 1
Chassis Info Area:
Version = 1
Chassis Type = (2)
Chassis Part Number = CHS1406
Chassis Serial Number = 0000001
Board Info Area:
Version = 1
Language Code = 25
Mfg Date/Time = Mar 29 00:00:00 2006 (5385600 minutes since 1996)
Board Manufacturer = Motorola
Board Product Name = CHS1406
Board Serial Number = 0000001
Board Part Number = CHS1406
FRU Programmer File ID = CHS1406.inf
Product Info Area:
Version = 1