Emerson AXP1600 Power Supply User Manual

AXP1406/AXP1600 Subsystem IPMI Programmer’s Reference (6806800B66C)
FRU Information and Sensor Data Records SAM1000 Physical Shelf Manager
2.3 SAM1000 Physical Shelf Manager
This section describes in detail the physical SAM Shelf Manager, FRU data, power
configuration and sensors at IPMB addresses 0xFC and 0xFE. The information in this section
supports the SAM on both the AXP1406 and AXP1600 shelves. The AXP1600 FRU and sensor
data is highlighted and marked for ease of use.
2.3.1 SAM Physical FRU Information
The following tables provides the FRU information for the physical SAM on the AXP1406 and
AXP1600 shelves. Physical Shelf Manager FRU Data, AXP1406
Common Header: Format Version = 1
Internal Use Area:
Version = 1
Board Info Area:
Version = 1
Language Code = 25
Mfg Date/Time = Mar 30 23:00:00 2005 (4862820 minutes since 1996)
Board Manufacturer = Pigeon Point Systems
Board Product Name = IPM Sentry ShMM-500
Board Serial Number = PPS0000000
Board Part Number = A
FRU Programmer File ID =
Product Info Area:
Version = 1
Language Code = 25
Manufacturer Name = Pigeon Point Systems
Product Name = IPM Sentry Shelf Manager
Product Part / Model# = 000000
Product Version = Rev 1.00
Product Serial Number = PPS0000000
Asset Tag =