in SG table, if zero,
SG is disabled
$12 00000000 00000000 Reserved
$14 xxxxxxxx Command Control
0....... Cache ON for type 13
controller only
1....... Cache OFF for type
13 controller only
.0...... Tape read forward for
tape devices that
support this
.1...... Tape read reverse for
tape devices that
support this
..0..... Tape do not suppress
illegal length
indication for tape
devices that support
..1..... Tape suppress illegal
length indication
for tape devices that
support this
$15 xxxxxxxx SCSI function ($00 =
Read, $04 = Write)
$16 00000xxx Interrupt level (7
through 0)
(0 = polled mode)
(Notes 3, 5)
$17 xxxxxxxx Vector number to use
upon return
(Notes 4, 5)
$18 xxxxxxxx Status from SCSI
firmware (byte 2)
(Note 1)
$19 xxxxxxxx Status from SCSI
firmware (byte 3)
(Note 1)