Lan Manager 7-17
Enter Scripts
TELRCF provides a convenient method for downloading an entire
configuration script to the printer server. A sample script file (
is provided on the distribution diskette or CD-ROM as a guide to creating
Using a text editor:
1) Create the script.
The first line of the script must contain the login password, followed by a
set type softcopy command. To execute privileged commands, add the
set privilege command, followed by the privileged password command to
the script. The last line of the script must contain the logout command.
The following is an example of a server command script. This command
configures a new service name (for example, 1j4a), for remote printing
on a printer server serial port. It uses TCP port 3001 and configures the
port’s baud rate to 19200.
> set type softcopy
> set privilege
> system
> change service 1j4a 3001 telnet disabled port 2
> change port 1 access remote speed 19200
> logout
2) Save the script with the name SERVCNFG.SCR.
3) Create an icon called
TELRCF IP_address
In the parameters field, enter:
> -h IP_address -f \emulex\servcnfg.scr
IP_address The IP address
emulex The directory containing the file
4) To send the file, double-click the icon labeled TELRCFip_address.
The file is sent and
TELRCF terminates when completed.