Epson 1715C Projector User Manual

Index 197
WEP encryption, 68 to 69
configuring for wireless, 53 to 55, 59 to 63
display problems, 159
EasyMP system requirements, 171
resolution setting, 160
Wired network, 89 to 91
connecting manually, 77 to 78
EAP, 70 to 72
LEAP, 70 to 72
module, 12
network card, 48, 89, 171
PEAP, 70 to 72
presentation, 47 to 83
problems, 164 to 165
security, 78 to 80
WEP encryption, 68 to 69
WPA security, 69 to 70
Wireless, mouse, 33, 38 to 39
WPA security, 69 to 70
Zoom ratio, 177
Zooming image, 23, 31