About Your Documentation
To set up your printer and install its software, see the Start Here poster. This book
contains system requirements, important safety information, and instructions on:
■ viewing your electronic printer manual
■ printing with Windows
or on a Macintosh
■ using special papers
■ maintaining the printer
■ solving basic problems
For more details about printing with, maintaining, or troubleshooting your printer,
see your electronic Reference Guide. For instructions on viewing it, see page 9.
(The illustrations in this book show the EPSON Stylus COLOR 860; the EPSON
Stylus COLOR 760 has a solid color cover.)
Warnings, Cautions, Notes, and Tips
Please follow these guidelines:
Warnings must be followed carefully to avoid bodily injury.
Cautions must be observed to avoid damage to your
Notes contain important information about your printer.
Tips contain additional hints for better printing.