Extron electronic RGB 320 Network Card User Manual

Chapter 1 Introduction to the RGB 320 Switching Interface System
RGB 320 Switching Interface System Users Manual Extron
RGB 322, RGB 324, RGB 326 and RGB 340 Input Buffers
The RGB 322, 324 and 326 are each mounted on a two-gang wall plate that can
be installed in a wall, conference table, podium, etc., while the RGB 340 mounts
under a table or shelf. Each buffer has a 9-pin input connector compatible with
computers that output analog RGsB, RsGsBs, RGBS and RGBHV.
________ These buffer units have their own Users Manual
A Show Me button on the RGB 322, RGB 324 and
RGB 340 buffer units allows the user to select their
buffer as the active source and present their output
onto the main display via the RGB 320. This is
called virtual interfacing control of the RGB 320.
Virtual interfacing also allows interface adjustments
to be made from certain buffer models. Thus, users
may interact with the main display directly from their buffer locations.
All buffers are available in gray, and the 2-gang wall plates are also available in
black or white face plates, so they can blend into walls, podiums, tables, etc.
Control can be via the RGB 320 front panel buttons, RS-232 control and Extrons
control program for Windows®.
Virtual interfacing Allows you to make various video
and audio adjustments that are passed to the RGB
320, which then executes the adjustments and stores
them in memory.
Show Me button You can remotely select your own
buffer to become the active input source and, via the
RGB 320, display their information on the
presentation devices.
Horizontal Shift (centering) This adjusts the
horizontal position of the image on the video display.
Remote connection The buffers provide remote input connection for a
permanent A/V installation that requires more than one interface location.
Universal compatibility The buffers output analog
RGsB, RsGsBs, RGBS and RGBHV video signals,
ensuring compatibility with all types of analog
computer inputs.
The RGB 324 and RGB 340 have all of the features of
the RGB 322 as well as these:
Show Me button With the RGB 324 and RGB 340,
the Show Me button acts not only as the buffers
source selector, but also as the primary switch that
allows video and audio level adjustments to be made.
Vertical shift (centering) This allows vertical movement of the video image for a
centered presentation display.
Video & audio level The RGB 324 and RGB 340 allow you to make video and
audio level adjustments right from the buffer.