FS-8700-19_Metasys_N2 Driver Manual Page 27 of 51
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com
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General control module
Relative Item Signal Condition Read/Write Johnson Tag Description
0 Byte Read UNIT Device model. For DX-9100 always 5
1 Word Write SUP Supervisory central control
2 Byte Read MNT Maintenance control
3 Word Read DIAG Diagnistics
4 Byte Read DICT Digital input counters
5 Byte Read TOS Triac output status
6 Byte Read DIS Digital input status
7 Word Read AIS Analog input status
8 Word Read LRST1 Logic results 37637
9 Word Read LRST2 Logic results 17-32
10 Word Write LCOS1 Logic constants 37637
11 Word Write LCOS2 Logic constants 17-32
12 - - - Spare
13 LONG Write CNTR1 DI1 pulse count
14 LONG Write CNTR2 DI2 pulse count
15 LONG Write CNTR3 DI3 pulse count
16 LONG Write CNTR4 DI4 pulse count
17 LONG Write CNTR5 DI5 pulse count
18 LONG Write CNTR6 DI6 pulse count
19 LONG Write CNTR7 DI7 pulse count
20 LONG Write CNTR8 DI8 pulse count
21 Word Write PASS Password code
22 Byte Write PC1 Prescaler DI1 counter
23 Byte Write PC2 Prescaler DI2 counter
24 Byte Write PC3 Prescaler DI3 counter
25 Byte Write PC4 Prescaler DI4 counter
26 Byte Write PC5 Prescaler DI5 counter
27 Byte Write PC6 Prescaler DI6 counter
28 Byte Write PC7 Prescaler DI7 counter
29 Byte Write PC8 Prescaler DI8 counter
30 Byte Write UIA User interface address
31 Word Write ALD@ Alarm disable condition source
32 Byte Write DXS1 DX-9100 type settings
33 Word Write ALG Standard algorithm type
34 FP Write ACO1 Analog constant 1
35 FP Write ACO2 Analog constant 2
36 FP Write ACO3 Analog constant 3
37 FP Write ACO4 Analog constant 4
38 FP Write ACO5 Analog constant 5
39 FP Write ACO6 Analog constant 6
40 FP Write ACO7 Analog constant 7
41 FP Write ACO8 Analog constant 8
42 Byte Write PLCNT PLC control and status
43 Word Read PLCPC PLC program counter