FS-8700-64 ATMI ACM Page 10 of 22
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4.4.6 Map Descriptor Example3 – Storing Malfunction Data
This example illustrates a map descriptor used to store malfunction data reported by the ACM unit. When a malfunction is cleared then 100
elements of the array are set to zero. When a Malfunction is present the 1
element contains the malfunction’s major type, the 2
contains the minor type and element x (x=major*10+minor) is set to a value of 1. Additional information is provided in section 6.7
Map_block_Name, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, node_name, timeout, atmi_data , length
Malfucntion_MD , DA_MALFNS , 0 , passive , ACM1 , 120.0s , malfunctions, 100
One hundred
elements of this
data array are used
to store
malfunction data.
This keyword tells
the driver to use
this map
descriptor to
malfunction data.
One map
descriptor is
required per node.