Using Trend Link for Fluke
Getting the Right Look for Your Trend Link Chart
Control Bar
Historical Mode: Click to freeze the chart during the Real Time
Mode, allowing you to use the scroll bar at the bottom of the chart to
back up to any portion on the recorded chart. If you are collecting
measurement data using the Real Time Mode, you do not lose data
while you are in the Historical Mode. Real Time Mode: Click again
to view measurement data collection in real time.
Open an Existing Chart Click the Open Chart button to display the
Chart Open dialog box. Double-click on the desired existing file to
open an existing chart. A prompt asking to save the current chart
Adding a Curve Click to open the Add Curve dialog box. Double-
click the desired *.set line in the Data Set box to display the
available Tags. Double-click the desired tag in the Tags box to add
the curve.
Setting Autoscaling To clear a Fixed Range and return to
autoscaling, click the Autoscale button. Notice that the fixed range
you entered in Setting a Fixed Range clears.
Undo and Redo Click the Undo/Redo button to undo any time scale
XY Curve Plot This feature gives you a chart which plots one curve
against another. Click the XY Curve Plot button, which displays an X
symbol. Position the X symbol over a Curve icon and click. The X
symbol changes to a Y symbol. Position the Y symbol over another
Curve icon and click again. This displays the XY Curve Plot window,
which displays a plot of the Y curve against the X curve. Click OK to
return to the chart.
Locking a Time You can press the left mouse button while over the
key and hold it down, you can drag the key in the Control Bar over
one of the locks in the two time displays. By releasing the button
while over one of the locks, you place the key in that lock. A shortcut
to accomplish the same task is by double-clicking the mouse while
over one of the locks. This causes the key to automatically go into the
lock. To unlock a time, simply click over the lock and drag the key off
the lock and release it.