2640A/2645A NetDAQ
Users Manual
2640A DC Voltage Measurement Specifications A-13.
Tables A-9 to A-11 provide 2640A specifications for the dc voltage measurement
Table A-9. 2640A DC Voltage Measurement General Specifications
Specification Characteristic
Input Impedance 100 MΩ in parallel with 150 pF maximum for
ranges ≤3V
10 MΩ in parallel with 100 pF maximum for ranges
Normal Mode Rejection 50dB minimum at 50 Hz/60 Hz ±0.1%, Slow Rate
Common Mode Rejection 120dB minimum at dc, 50 Hz/60 Hz ±0.1%, 1 kΩ
imbalance, Slow Rate
80dB minimum at dc, 50 Hz/60 Hz ±0.1%, 1 kΩ
imbalance, Medium and Fast Rates
Channel-to-Channel Crosstalk 120dB minimum Slow Rate (e.g., 30V dc on
channel 1 may cause a 30µV error on channel 2)
100dB minimum Medium and Fast Rates (e.g., 1V
dc on channel 1 may cause a 10 µV error on
channel 2)
Temperature Coefficient Add 1/10th the 90-day specification per °C above
28°C or below 18°C. (Generally, only the %input
portion is affected.)
Accuracy at -20°C Multiply the -10°C to + 60°C accuracy specification
by 2. After 1 hour warm-up. For accuracy between
-10°C and -20°C, interpolate linearly.
Maximum Input Voltage 150V (300V for channels 1 and 11) to any input
Table A-10. 2640A DC Voltage Range and Resolution Specifications
Slow Fast
90 mV .3 µV 1 µV
300 mV 1 µV 3 µV
3V 10 µV 30 µV
30V 100 µV 300 µV
150V/300V 1 mV 3 mV
Note 300V range applies to channels 1 and 11 only.