Performance Test
Accuracy Performance Tests 6-8.
This accuracy performance test assumes you have completed "Initializing the
Performance Test Setup" above. Do not begin this test until the instrument has
been temperature stabilized for a minimum of 30 minutes. Do not use the
instrument front panel monitor function for performance testing; use the higher
resolution Spy window at the host computer, as specified in procedures. The
Accuracy Performance Tests include the following:
• Volts DC Accuracy Test
• Volts AC Accuracy Test
• Frequency Accuracy Test
• Analog Channel Integrity Test
• Computed Channel Integrity Test
• Thermocouple Temperature Accuracy Test
• Open Thermocouple Response Test
• 2-Wire Resistance Accuracy Test
• 4-Wire Resistance Accuracy Test
• RTD Temperature Accuracy Test (Resistance Source)
• RTD Temperature Accuracy Test (DIN/IEC 751 RTD Source)
Specific tests for current dc are not included since these functions are derived
from volts dc.
Volts DC Accuracy Test (2640A) 6-9.
Complete the following procedure to test the accuracy of the volts dc function for
the 2640A. Measurement accuracy applies to all channels, not just the channel
used for the test.
1. Configure Channel 1 for Volts DC In NetDAQ Logger, configure channel 1
for volts dc, 90 mV range. (See "Configuring Analog Channel Functions" in
Chapter 3 of this manual.)
2. Open Spy Window Select the Spy command from the Utilities menu. Select
channel 0101 (instrument 01, channel 01) from the Channel list. Click OK to
open the Spy window.