Introduction Document conventions
FortiGate-60 Installation Guide 01-28008-0018-20050128 7
Setup wizard
The FortiGate setup wizard provides an easy way to configure the basic initial settings
for the FortiGate unit. The wizard walks through the configuration of a new
administrator password, FortiGate interfaces, DHCP server settings, internal servers
(web, FTP, etc.), and basic antivirus settings.
Document conventions
This guide uses the following conventions to describe command syntax.
• Angle brackets < > to indicate variables.
For example:
execute restore config <filename_str>
You enter:
execute restore config myfile.bak
<xxx_str> indicates an ASCII string that does not contain new-lines or carriage
<xxx_integer> indicates an integer string that is a decimal (base 10) number.
<xxx_octet> indicates a hexadecimal string that uses the digits 0-9 and letters
<xxx_ipv4> indicates a dotted decimal IPv4 address.
<xxx_v4mask> indicates a dotted decimal IPv4 netmask.
<xxx_ipv4mask> indicates a dotted decimal IPv4 address followed by a dotted
decimal IPv4 netmask.
<xxx_ipv6> indicates a dotted decimal IPv6 address.
<xxx_v6mask> indicates a dotted decimal IPv6 netmask.
<xxx_ipv6mask> indicates a dotted decimal IPv6 address followed by a dotted
decimal IPv6 netmask.
• Vertical bar and curly brackets {|} to separate alternative, mutually exclusive
required keywords.
For example:
set opmode {nat | transparent}
You can enter set opmode nat or set opmode transparent.
• Square brackets [ ] to indicate that a keyword or variable is optional.
For example:
show system interface [<name_str>]
To show the settings for all interfaces, you can enter show system interface.
To show the settings for the internal interface, you can enter show system
interface internal.
• A space to separate options that can be entered in any combination and must be
separated by spaces.