Solving Problems with Your Computer
Troubleshooting Techniques
User's Guide 107
If the computer is performing an operation, it normally waits for the operation to
You may also want to test the power management system with diagnostics. See Testing
Hardware Operation.
Printing Problems
For most printing problems, use the Print Troubleshooter in Windows Help.
If a serial or parallel printer doesn’t print
Check that you are using a proper cable or cable adapter, and that the printer is on.
Check for paper in the printer or other printer errors.
Make sure the printer cable is secure at both ends.
If the left edge of printed output is missing
If the printer you are using is a 600-dpi (dots per inch) printer, try selecting a
compatible printer driver for a 300-dpi printer. For example, for a 600-dpi
HP LaserJet printer, try using the HP LaserJet IIIsi driver (300-dpi). Certain
applications may not work properly with 600-dpi printers.
Recovery CD Problems
If an error message “Windows cannot find wordpad.exe” appears after inserting
the Recovery CD
The system is trying to open the readme.doc file in WordPad, but cannot locate the
wordpad.exe program file. Under Windows 98, this error message may appear after
inserting the Recovery CD. To indicate the location of this file, type C:\Program
Files\Accessories in the Program Not Found error message box.
Serial, Parallel, and USB Problems
If a serial mouse doesn’t work
First, make certain you completely followed the manufacturer’s installation
instructions to install the mouse properly.