Miscellaneous Programs and Equations 17-9
Program Listing:
Program Lines:
(In ALG mode)
This routine displays prime number P.
Checksum and length: 2CC5 6
This routine adds 2 to P.
Checksum and length: EFB2 9
This routine stores the input value for P.
Tests for even input
Increments P if input an even number.
Stores 3 in test divisor, D
Checksum and length: EA89 47
This routine tests P to see if it is prime.
Finds the fractional part of P ÷ D.
Tests for a remainder of zero (not prime).
If the number is not prime, tries next possibility.
> Tests to see whether all possible factors have been tried.
If all factors have been tried, branches to the display
Branches to test potential prime with new factor.
Checksum and length: C6B5 53