HP (Hewlett-Packard) F2215AA#ABA Calculator User Manual

More about Solving D-5
Now, solve the equation to find its positive and negative roots:
Certain cases require special consideration:
If the function's graph has a discontinuity that crosses the x–axis, then the
SOLVE operation returns a value adjacent to the discontinuity (see figure a,
below). In this case, f(x) may be relatively large.
Keys: Display: Description:
Selects Equation mode.
Enters the equation.
Checksum and length.
Cancels Equation mode.
Keys: Display: Description:
Your initial guesses for the positive
Selects Equation mode; displays
the equation.
Calculates the positive root using
guesses 0 and 10.
Final two estimates are the same.
f(x) = 0.
Your initial guesses for the
negative root.
Redisplays the equation.
Calculates negative root using
guesses 0 and –10.
f(x) = 0.