HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 33s Calculator User Manual

Mathematics Programs
File name 33s-English-Manual-040130-Publication(Edition 2).doc Page : 388
Printed Date : 2004/1/30 Size : 13.7 x 21.2 cm
Program Lines:
(In ALG mode)
Calculates the magnitude of the U, V, W vector.
Divides the dot product by the magnitude of the X–,
Y–, Z–vector.
Divides previous result by the magnitude.
Calculates angle.
Displays angle.
Loops back for polar display/input.
Checksum and length: 0548 90
Flags Used:
The terms "polar" and "rectangular," which refer to two–dimensional systems, are
used instead of the proper three–dimensional terms of "spherical" and
"Cartesian." This stretch of terminology allows the labels to be associated with
their function without confusing conflicts. For instance, if LBL C had been
associated with Cartesian coordinate input, it would not have been available for
cross product.
Program Instructions:
1. Key in the program routines; press
when done.
2. If your vector is in rectangular form, press
R and go to step 4. If your
vector is in polar form, press
P and continue with step 3.