Problem Resolution5Ć18
Table 5-1. Information Codes on the HP FAX-700 and FAX-750 (Continued)
Mode Description of the Problem Action
602 Tx Transmission document jam or document
length was greater than the stipulated
Remove document and resend. If failure
repeats, retry with document 14 inches or
less. Check that both rear corners of the
ADF are firmly against the body of the fax
machine. Retry send
610 Remote
Remote diagnostics was not carried out
properly due to incompatibility with the
target machine, or the target machine was
not configured for remote diagnostics
Retry operation
611 Remote
Cancelled regular faxing because the tarĆ
get machine was not configured for reĆ
mote diagnostics
Retry operation
620 Modem Error in the MODEM interrupt handler Retry operation
621 Received the remote party's preamble sigĆ
nal for more than the stipulated 3 minutes
Retry operation