Hitachi 8880R Server User Manual

Ch 2: System Environment Setting
Hitachi VisionBase 8880R Server 35
What You Can Do on the Exit Menu
Figure 24 Exit Menu Screen
Exit Saving Changes
Usually use this command to complete setup work. This will record the setup data into memory and restart the
system equipment. The function of this command is equivalent to key.
Select “Exit Saving Changes” and press key. The following screen is displayed:
Select “Yes” and press key will record the setup data and restart the system equipment.
Select “No” and press key will return to the Exit menu.
Exit Discarding Changes
Exits without recording the setup data. The system equipment is restarted.
After changing setup data, select “Exit Discarding Changes” and then press key. The following screen is
To exit without recording the setup data, select “Yes” and press key.
To continue processing without recording the data, either select “No” or press
key to return to the Exit
Exit Saving Changes
Exit Discarding Changes
Load Setup Defaults
Discard Changes
Save Changes
PhoenixBIOS Setup Utirity
F1 Help
↑↓ Select Item
←→ Select MenuESC Exit
-/+ Change Values
Enter Select
F9 Setup Defaults
F10 Save and Exit Sub-Menu
Item Specific Help
Main Advanced Security Boot Exit
Setup Confirmation
Save configuration changes and exit now?
[ Yes ] [ No ]
Setup Confirmation
Discard configuration changes and exit now?
[ Yes ] [ No ]