13 - 6
Mounting Bracket
The mounting bracket is what you attach to the mounting surface. It is comprised of a ball joint
and flat disk. The disk contains drill holes you use to secure the base to the mounting surface.
Note: Honeywell recommends that you leave the base connected to its power source at all times.
The base is powered via the power connector on the bottom panel; see Bottom Panel on page 13-3. Both
the power and serial connectors are straight out, not at an angle. The base must be powered by a 12 to
48 volt DC source.
Establishing Communication
The RS232 interface allows the terminal to communicate to a workstation, modem, or any standard
RS232 device using a standard serial cable and communications software.
You need the following equipment:
• A Mobile Base device powered by a power cable and power adapter cable
• The RS232 communications cable
• ActiveSync v4.5 or above on the host workstation
98 Second Edition*, Windows
Me, Windows
2000, Windows
NT (4.0 SP6 or higher), or
XP on the host workstation
Connecting the Communication Cables
Note: You must be using ActiveSync 4.5 or higher.
1. Plug in the power supply and connect it to the bottom of the base.
2. Plug the RS232 communication cable into the bottom of the base.
3. Connect the communication cable into the back of the workstation.
4. At this point, the hardware is installed and operating.
You may need to reboot your workstation to complete the installation process.
Establishing ActiveSync Communication
The Dolphin terminal is usually auto-detected and configured by ActiveSync based on the communication
cable. If you are using an RS232 cable, ActiveSync will usually set up an RS232 connection.
For more details, see ActiveSync Communication on page 8-8.
Connecting the Cables
Connect the base to the host workstation or other device by plugging an RS232 serial cable into the
RS232 Communications Port on the bottom of the base. Plug the other end of the RS232 serial cable into
the correct port on the host RS232 device.
The wiring of your cable depends on whether the other device is set up as a Data Communications
Equipment (DCE) or Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) device.