Appendix A: Configuration
448 Netcool/Proviso Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack User’s Guide, Version 4.3-W
11. (Requires the Netcool/Proviso DataMart Configuration Guide) Run the initial SNMP inventory and initiate a
site A variable assigned to the JavaScript object Site. A Site object defines a set of
properties specific for a site, business department, location, remote office, or group of
people. You can define multiple Site objects. Objects are distinguished through the site
name you pass to the object.
Create a Site object as follows:
site = new Site("MySite");
In the example, MySite is the site name.
A site object contains the following methods:
• addLocalCallPrefix(string prefix)
The prefix argument specifies n digits in a local call prefix, where n is the prefix
length. If the first n digits in a phone number match the prefix, the phone number is
determined to be a local number. Many local call prefixes can be defined for the same
site through this method.
Example: site.addLocalCallPrefix("999");
• addExtensionRange(int startNumber, int endNumber)
The two arguments specify the extension range for a site, beginning with the first
extension in the range, and ending with the last extension.
Each number within the range is an internal extension for the named site. Many
extension ranges can be defined for the site through this method. The values allow
automatic grouping, report navigation by site, and path sub-element definition.
Example: site.addExtensionRange(1000,1830);
• addVoiceMailRange(int startNumber, int endNumber)
The two arguments specify the VoiceMail extension range for a site, beginning with
the first VoiceMail extension in the range, and ending with the last extension.
Each number within the range is an internal VoiceMail extension for the named site.
Many VoiceMail extension ranges can be defined for the site through this method.
The values allow automatic grouping, report navigation by site, and specific reports
on the VoiceMail application.
Example: site.addVoiceMailRange(9000,9050);
• addPstnGatewayIpAddress(string ipAddress)
The argument specifies the IP address of a PSTN gateway. Many PSTN gateway
addresses can be defined for the named site through this method. The values allow
automatic grouping, report navigation by site, and path and gateway sub-element
Example: site.addPstnGatewayIpAddress("");
Note: Use the following method only in the CUCMConfig.js file.
• addCucmAddress(string ipAddress)
The argument specifies the IP address of a CUCM server in the cluster.
Example: site.addCucmAddress("");
Variable Description