IBM 4.3-W Network Router User Manual

Appendix B: UBA Parameters Reference (443, Topology Editor)
Netcool/Proviso Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack User’s Guide, Version 4.3-W 463
CCM Bulk input files location.
Default: No default value
Attribute: Read-only
Location: Properties tab
The DataChannel applications that handle inventory and metrics must be directed to the location of the Bulk
input files generated by the devices associated with the technology on which the application operates. The
CCMINPUT.URI parameter specifies the location for the specified DataChannel applications to retrieve these Bulk
input files. A related parameter -
CCMINPUT.DELETEONACQUIRE - specifies whether the UBA application should
delete the Bulk input files after it acquires them.
The syntax for the URI is as follows:
For example: sqldb:odbc*threaded/username=sa;password=netcool;environment=SANFRANCISCO
Note: The URIs you specify must match the URIs of each CCM Publisher data source defined in the
odbc.ini file.