
The image processor board contains a set of lookup tables used for thresholding of image data.
There are 256 tables (numbered 00-FF hex) containing 256 bytes each. Only one table is used
at a time. The table used is determined by the Threshold, Filter and Tracking settings selected
by the operator. The input to the table is the local area average (40 x 40 pixels) of the
neighborhood of the pixel under consideration. The output from the table is a threshold value.
If the pixel under consideration is less than the threshold, it is classified as a mark. Otherwise,
it is classified as media.
<T> Select Table
Enter a hex table number in the range 00-FF. The contents of the table will be displayed on the
screen. Only one table can be viewed at a time.
<D> Loads default contents into all tables.
Tables used for absolute thresholding contain the same value in all locations. Tables used for
local area thresholding contain an ascending pattern.
<A> Ascending
Writes the pattern 00,01,02,...FE,FF into the selected table.
<U> Uniform
Enter a hex number in the range 00-FF. This number will be written into all locations of the
selected table.
<Z> Clear
Zero is written into all locatons of the selected table.
<S> Set Low Limit
Enter a hex number in the range 00-FF. This number is used by the scanner when calculating
the tables used for local area thresholding. Table values lower than the low limit are replaced
by the low limit. Setting a low limit may be necessary to prevent unwanted removal of marks
from a scanned image when Tracking is on. The value set here may be saved in NVRAM ( see
section 5.2 ) .
<X> Exit
Exits to the Diagnostic Tests Menu.