IBM EM78P221/2N Network Card User Manual

8-Bit Microcontroller with OTP ROM
Product Specification (V1.0) 10.19.2007 21
(This specification is subject to change without further notice)
6.2.31 Bank 3-R7 (Noise and LVR Control) - only for ICE
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
EM78P221/2N ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’
ICE220N “0” “0” “0” “0” NRHL NRE LVR1 LVR0
Bits 7 ~ 4: not used, fixed to "0" all the time.
Bits 3 ~ 0:
[With EM78P221/2N]: Unimplemented, read as ‘0’.
[With Simulator]:
Bit 3 (NRHL): Noise rejection high/low pulses define bit. The INT pin is a falling
edge trigger
0 = Pulses equal to 8/fc [s] are regarded as signal.
1 = Pulses equal to 32/fc [s] are regarded as signal (default)
The noise rejection function is turned off in the LXT2 and sleep mode.
Bit 2 (NRE): Noise rejection enable
0 = disable noise rejection
1 = enable noise rejection (default). However in Low Crystal
oscillator (LXT) mode, the noise rejection circuit is always
Bits 1 ~ 0 (LVR1 ~ LVR0): Low Voltage Reset enable bits. If Vdd has crossover at
Vdd reset level as Vdd changes, the system will be reset.
LVR1, LVR0 VDD Reset Level VDD Release Level
11 NA (Power-on Reset) (default)
10 2.5V 2.7V
01 3.0V 3.2V
00 4.0V 4.2V
6.2.32 Bank 3-R8~RF (Reserve)
Bits 7~0: not used, fixed to "0" all the time.
6.2.33 R10 ~ R1F
All of these are 8-bit general-purpose registers.
6.2.34 Banks 0~3 - R20 ~ R3F
All of these are 8-bit general-purpose registers.