Management Workstation Application B-17
Create/Copy FD Image File Dialog Box
The Create/Copy FD Image File dialog box is used to create a FD image file as
a remote drive or to copy the contents of a FD image file onto a floppy disk.
Select an operation to execute.
Server Summary Dialog Box
The Server Summary dialog box lists IP addresses, server names, and current
status of all the SG-registered servers on MWA. This dialog box also allows the
following operations:
Activating a server window — Double-click on a server record to open
and activate the server window for the server.
Executing a command on the server — Click the right-mouse button
on a server record to display the Server Summary Pop-up menu. From
this menu, you can execute main commands, such as Open, Connect, and
Properties on the server.
Delete Logged Messages Dialog Box
The Delete Logged Messages Dialog Box sets conditions for deleting logged
messages from the history log.
Delete history timed at xx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx and earlier — If a logged
message is selected in the History Log dialog box, a condition for
deletion can be set for messages of the same date and time and earlier.
The condition becomes invalid after deletion.
If [Server xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx only] is checked, only the messages of the
specified server are deleted.
If [General (Non-server) messages only] is checked, the messages not
dependent on the server, such as Started MWA, are deleted.
If [All messages] is checked, all the messages at the specified date and
time and earlier are deleted.
Automatically Delete messages — These conditions of deletion are
stored and remain valid.
If [Keep only messages less than xx days old] is checked, messages
within the specified number of days from the current day are kept and
other messages are deleted automatically.
If [Keep only the xx most recent messages] is checked, the specified
number of recent messages are kept and other messages are deleted
This Automatic Deleting process is executed when the OK button is
selected in the dialog box, MWA is started, and MWA is exited.