Intel IQ80321 Webcam User Manual

52 Board Manual
IQ80321 I/O Processor Evaluation Platform
Hardware Reference Section
3.10 Switches and Jumpers
3.10.1 Switch Summary
Table 24. Switch Summary
Switch Association Description
S7E1-1 - Spare Off
S7E1-2 IOP RST_MODE: Sets IOP Reset-Mode operation Off
S7E1-3 IOP RETRY: Sets IOP RETRY-Mode operation Off
a. Use opposite settings when using an 80300-BP Backplane from Cyclone Micro Systems or most other PCI-X backplanes
(switches S7E1-3, S8E1-7, S4D1-1, 2, 3, 4).
S7E1-4 SPCI-X Bus IDSEL_EN_PCIX1: Enables GPIO IDSEL control for the PCI-X slot Off
S7E1-5 SPCI-X Bus IDSEL_EN_GBE: Enables GPIO IDSEL control for GBE NIC Off
SPCI-X Clock Set SPCI-X clock configuration
S7E1-7 On
S7E1-8 SPCI-X Clock Enables SPCI-X clock circuit enable Off
S8E1-1 - Spare Off
S8E1-2 SPCI-X Bus QSWITCHEN: Quick-Switch to make GbE NIC visible on the SPCI-X bus On
S8E1-3 PCI-X Bridge S_INT_ARB_EN: Internal bridge arbiter operation On
S8E1-4 PCI-X Bridge S_SEL100: SPCI-X max operation frequency indictor Off
S8E1-5 PCI-X Bridge S_DRVR_MODE: Driver impedance selection for SPCI-X bus On
S8E1-6 PCI-X Bridge P_DRVR_MODE: Driver impedance selection for PPCI-X bus On
S8E1-7 PCI-X Bridge IDSEL_REROUTE_EN: Sets the value of SPCI-X private dev mask Off
S8E1-8 PCI-X Bridge OPAQUE-EN: controls OPAQUE memory register Off
SPCI-X Bus PCIXCAP: Force PCI-X capability for SPCI-X Bus
S8E2-2 On
S8E2-3 - Spare Off
b. On FAB C boards S8E2-3 is not a spare and it must be turned on.
S8E2-4 SPCI-X Bus M66EN: Forces the PCI 66 or 33 operation for SPCI-X Bus Off
PCI-X Bridge PCIXCAP: Set Primary PCI-X capability for the bridge
S9E1-2 Off
S9E1-3 - Spare On
S9E1-4 PCI-X Bridge M66EN: Forces the PCI 66 or 33 operation for the primary side Off
DDR Memory SPD EEPROM: Configure serial EEPROM Address Range
S1D1-2 Off
S1D1-3 Off
S1D1-4 - Spare Off
SPCI-X Bus Selects Private/Public IDSEL routing for PCI-X expansion slot
a, c
c. Switches S4D1-1 and 2 have to always be opposite of each other.
S4D1-2 Off
a, c
SPCI-X Bus Selects Private/Public IDSEL routing for GBE NIC
a, d
d. Switches S4D1-3 and 4 have to always be opposite of each other.
S4D1-4 Off
a, d
S1H2 Board Reset Push-Button Reset – for debug use Bounce