Intel MD566X Modem User Manual

56K V.92 Data, Fax, and Voice Chipset
106 Intel Confidential Programmer’s Guide
S23 none
Bit-Mapped Options
: S23 is a read-only register that indicates AT command set-
Bit 0 Reserved
Bits 3-1 000 0-300 bps communications rate
001 1200 bps
010 2400 bps
011 4800 bps
100 Reserved
101 9600 bps
110 19,200 bps
111 38.4 bps
Bit 5,4 00 Even parity/space parity
01 No parity
10 Odd parity/mark
11 Reserved
Bit 7,6 00 &G0 is selected
01 &G1 is selected
10 &G2 is selected
11 Reserved
S25 5
Detect DTR Change
: S25 defines the minimum amount of time that DTR has to re-
main off (that is, on-to-off-to-on transitions) before the modem performs the function
specified by &Dn command. A change in DTR that persists for a shorter time than
the value specified in S25 is ignored by the modem (see the &Dn command).
Range: 0–255 (1/100 of a second)
S27 64
Bit-Mapped Options
: S27 is a read-only register that indicates AT command set-
Bits 3,1,0 000* &Q0 is selected
001 Reserved
010 Reserved
011 Reserved
100 Reserved
101 Not used
110 Not used
111 Not used
Bits 2, 4, 5 Reserved
Bits 7,6 00 B0 is selected
01* B1 is selected
10 B2 is selected
11 B3 is selected
Table 7-1. S-Register Command Descriptions (Continued)