56K V.92 Data, Fax, and Voice Chipset
Programmer’s Guide Intel Confidential 53
&Vn 0
View Active Configuration and Stored Profiles: This command causes
the modem to display the command and S-register information contained in
the active user profile and in one of two stored profiles.The command
displays the active profile and the stored profile 0; &V1 displays the active
profile and the stored profile 1. The information in the active profile is stored
into the user profiles with the
&Wn command. &W0 stores the active profile
into the stored profile 0;
&W1, the stored profile 1.
n = 0** Stored profile 0
n = 1 Stored profile 1
B1 E1 L2 M1 N1 P Q0 V1 W3 X4 Y0 &C1 &D2 &G0 &J0 &P0 &Q0 &S0 &U0 &Y0
%A013 %C1 %E1 %G1 \A3 \C0 \G0 \J0 \K5 \N3 \Q3 \T000 \X0 -C1 -J1 "H3 “0032
S00:001 S01:000 S02:043 S03:013 S04:010 S05:008 S06:002 S07:060 S08:002
S09:006 S10:014 S11:070 S12:050 S18:000 S25:005 S30:000 S33:010 S37:000
B1 E1 L2 M1 N1 P Q0 V1 W3 X4 Y0 &C1 &D2 &G0 &J0 &P0 &Q0 &S0 &U0
%A013 %C1 %E1 %G1 \A3 \C0 \G0 \J0 \K5 \N3 \Q3 \T000 \X0 -C1 -J1 "H3 ”O032
S00:001 S02:043 S06:002 S07:060 S08:002 S09:006 S10:014
S11:070 S12:050 S18:000 S25:005 S30:000 S33:000 S37:000
&Z0= 12345
&Z1= 4444444
&Z2= 12345
&Z3= 11234567890
&Wn 0
Store Active Profile: This command causes the modem to store a subset
of the active profile command and S-register configurations into the NVRAM
user profile “n”.
n = 0** Store in user profile 0
n = 1 Store in user profile 1
Table 3-4. Data Mode Command Descriptions (Continued)