56K V.92 Data, Fax, and Voice Chipset
98 Intel Confidential Programmer’s Guide
DTMF and Tone Generation: (cont.)
1) Single ASCII character in the set, 0-9, #, *, ! and A-D, which is interpreted as
a single DTMF tone. DTMF tones are sent as a single element expressed in the
AT+VTS=<DTMF or !>
For example, to send a DTMF 1 tone, issue AT+VTS=1 to the modem.
2) String drawn from the first set but not including a flash hook code “!” and en-
closed in brackets “[ ]”,which can produce a single or dual tone. The string in-
cludes three parameters, which set the frequency of two non-standard DTMF or
single tones and a common duration for both. The quantity in brackets consists
of a three-element list that is expressed in the following format:
AT+VTS=[<first tone freq 1>, <second tone freq 2>,
If the duration is not specified in the <duration> parameter, the modem sends
tones for the duration specified by the +VTD=n command.
a) Single tones can be sent in brackets using the following format:
AT+VTS=[<first tone freq 1>]
AT+VTS=[<first tone freq 1>, <space>, <duration>]
For example: AT+VTS=[3000] This sends a single tone of 3000 Hz with a de-
fault duration specified by +VTD=n.
For example: AT+VTS=[3000,,50]
This sends a single tone of 3000 Hz with a duration of 500 ms (50 x
0.01 second).
b) Dual tones may be sent using the following format:
AT+VTS=[<first tone freq 1>,<second tone freq 2>]
AT+VTS=[<first tone freq 1>,<second tone freq 2>,
For example: AT+VTS=[3000,3300]
This sends a dual tone of 3000 Hz and 3300 Hz with the default duration set
by the +VTD=n command.
For example: AT+VTS=[3000,3300,50]
This sends a dual tone of 3000 Hz and 3300 Hz with a duration of 500 ms
(50 x 0.01 second).
Table 6-1. Voice Mode Command Descriptions (Continued)