digits or ve ASCII characters are needed if 64-bit WEP is used;
26 hexadecimal digits or 13 ASCII characters if 128-bit WEP is
Select “Passphrase” or “Hex” (64
Pre-Shared Key serves as a password. Key in an
8- to 63-character string to set the password or leave it blank, in
which case the 802.1x Authentication will be activated. Make sure
the same password is used on the client end.
Enter the number of seconds that will elapse
before the group key changes automatically. The default is 86,400
This enables secure fast roaming
without noticeable signal latency. Pre-authentication provides a way
to establish a PMK (pairwise master key) security association before
a client connects, with the advantage being that the client reduces the
time that it’s disconnected to the network.
RADIUS is an authentication
authorization and accounting client-server protocol. The client is
a network access server which has access to a user database with
authentication information and which desires to authenticate its
Enter the RADIUS server’s port number provided by your ISP.
The default is 1812.
Enter the RADIUS server’s IP address provided by
your ISP.
Enter the password that the AP shares with the RADIUS
Check to enable this function.
Enter the port, IP address and
password as above.
Click to save and apply the current settings.
Click to clear and reset the current settings.