Kentrox AI232 Network Card User Manual

AI232 Version 9.6x User’s Guide
Link Configuration: PPP Authentication Configuration
2. For 02*Local Authentication Method, enter 2 to select None, PAP, or CHAP. The default is
3. For
03 Local PAP/CHAP identity, enter 3, and the user name. Maximum length is 24
characters. The default is
4. For
04 Local PAP Password/CHAP Secret, enter 4, and the password. Maximum
length is 24 characters. The default is
This example displays:
z 02*Local Authentication Method set to PAP
z 03 Local PAP/CHAP identity set to bri24
z 04 Local PAP Password/CHAP Secret set to documentation.
Configuration in the AI232 Local Menu System
1. Access the AsyncPPP Link Menu or ModMux Link Menu.
2. Select
PPP Authentication Menu. The PPP Authentication Menu appears.
3. For
Local Authentication Method, select None, PAP, or CHAP. The default is None.
4. For
Local PAP/CHAP Identity, enter the user name. The default is applied.
5. For
Local PAP Password/CHAP Secret, enter the password. The default is applied.
This example displays:
z Local Authentication Method set to CHAP
z Local PAP/CHAP Identity set to bri24
z Local PAP Password/CHAP Secret set to documentation.
02*Local Authentication Method (None, PAP, CHAP)--------------------------- PAP
03 Local PAP/CHAP identity----------------------------- bri24
04 Local PAP Password/CHAP Secret---------------------- documentation
PPP Authentication Menu
Link being configured . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Authentication Options
Local Authentication Method . . . . . . . . . . . . None PAP [CHAP]
RAS Option: Disabled RADIUS [RADIUS/Fallback]
Local PAP/CHAP Identity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. bri24
Local PAP Password/CHAP Secret . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... documentation