Kentrox AI232 Network Card User Manual

AI232 Version 9.6x User’s Guide
Link Configuration: General Link Properties Configuration
General Link Properties Configuration
General link properties are configurable using menus accessed directly from the link
configuration menu. The following configuration items are available:
Auto Disable Error Limit
This menu item disables a link when the rate of errors received on that link exceeds a
user-specified threshold. This prevents a bad link or cable from streaming enough
errors to lock up or crash AI232.
Menu Item Type
Link Type Availability
Async, AsyncPPP, and ModMux
Configuration in the AI198 Menu System
1. Access Menu
2. For
Auto Disable Error Limit, enter the associated item number, a comma, and the
error limit value. (For example,
9,25000.) The default is 0.
z Auto Disable Error Limit z Port Data Bits
z Flow Control z Port Parity
z Link Description z Port Speed
z Link Number z Port Stop Bits
z Link State z Xon Repeat Interval
z Link Type