Konica Minolta 4556-9598-01A Fax Machine User Manual

Entering Text 73
Entering Text
When specifying the user name or programming the recipient name with
one-touch dial keys, letters, accented characters, numbers and symbols can
be entered.
Key Operation
Use the keypad to enter numbers, letters, and symbols.
List of characters available with each key of the keypad
Changing Input Mode
Each press of the key switches the input mode between numbers and let-
[1]: Numbers can be typed in.
[A]: Letters can be typed in.
Inputting Example
The procedure for entering text is described below, using “NJ Office” as an
1 Press the key to change the input mode so that letters can be entered.
2 Press the 6 key twice.
“N” is entered.
Available characters Additional available
characters with the metric
1 . (period) ,‘?¿!¡“1-( )@/:;_
2 ABC2abc äåÆæàÇçáâ
3 DEF3def éèêë
4 GHI4ghi ìíîï
5JKL5jkl £¢
6 MNO6mno ñöøòóô°
7PQRS7pqrs ß$
8 TUV8tuv üùúû
9 WXYZ9wxyz
0 (space) 0
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