Description of the System RX1200 21
The system software enables a maximum of three languages
which can be stored at any one time - the English language and
two other languages. The English language is the default
language and cannot be deleted. One language is chosen as the
active language.
A suite of optional survey-specific application programs are
available for the instrument.
Some of these programs are freely available and can be loaded
and are immediately activated. The other programs must be
purchased and are only activated with a licence key.
Custom software specific to user requirements can be devel-
oped using the GeoC++ development kit.
Information on the GeoC++ development environment is avail-
able on request from a Leica Geosystems representative.
This is the software for the ATX1230/ATX1230 GG. It covers the
firmware for the measurement engine.
Software type Description